North and North West Syria
Support north and North West Syria
WHO estimates that over 577,000 children routine immunization in the northeast and northwest of Syria. Children are vulnerable to the outbreak of infectious disease because of displacement, poor sanitation, and living condition. Besides, 6.2 million people are in acute need of safe water as 11.5 are in full scale of explosive contamination risk at present. Hope 4 World Children planned to work in the northeast of the Syria where there is an ongoing weather-related hazards and where more than 70,000 children displaced due to military operations. Hope 4 World Children will also focus on strategies of restoration and maintainance of water, emergency water provisions, sanitation support; distribution of food, hygiene promotion for the most vulnerable.
In the North and Northwes Syria, Hope 4 world children focuses on enhancing access to child education, with particular emphasis on chidren with disabilities. It works on facilitating community and psychosocial support interventions and improving the services of children who survived from violence. It gives minimum cash support for families of children with disabilities. It continue to engage in gender based violence mitigation in the areas where children and women were sexually abused and organize survivor center in three areas.
Country: North West Syria